- Global variable holding a (possibly empty)
body, which will
be executed when a SIGTERM signal is sent to the current process. If it returns
, the signal is ignored.
See also
, sigio
, *Hup
, *Winch
, *Sig[12]
and *TStp[12]
: (de *Term (msg 'SIGTERM) T)
-> *Term
- Global variables holding (possibly empty)
bodies, which
will be executed when a SIGTSTP signal (*TStp1
) or a SIGCONT signal
) is sent to the current process. See also alarm
, sigio
, *Hup
, *Winch
, *Sig[12]
and *Term
: (de *TStp1 (msg 'SIGTSTP))
-> *TStp1
- A global variable holding the temporary directory name created with
. See also *Bye
: *Bye
-> ((saveHistory) (and *Tmp (call 'rm "-r" *Tmp)))
: (tmp "foo" 123)
-> "/home/app/.pil/tmp/27140/foo123"
: *Tmp
-> "/home/app/.pil/tmp/27140/"
- Class for clock time values (as calculated by
), a subclass of +Number
. See also Database.
(rel tim (+Time)) # Time of the day
- A global constant, evaluating to itself.
is commonly returned
as the boolean value "true" (though any non-NIL
values could be
used). It represents the absolute maximum, as it is larger than any other
object. As a property key, it is used to store Pilog clauses, and inside Pilog clauses it is the
cut operator. See also NIL
and Comparing.
: T
-> T
: (= 123 123)
-> T
: (get 'not T)
-> ((@P (1 @P) T (fail)) (@P))
- Holds the current object during method execution (see OO Concepts), or inside the body of a
statement. As it is a normal symbol,
however, it can be used in normal bindings anywhere. See also isa
, :
, ::
and var:
: (with 'X (println 'This 'is This))
This is X
-> X
: (put 'X 'a 1)
-> 1
: (put 'X 'b 2)
-> 2
: (put 'Y 'a 111)
-> 111
: (put 'Y 'b 222)
-> 222
: (mapcar '((This) (cons (: a) (: b))) '(X Y))
-> ((1 . 2) (111 . 222))
(t . prg) -> T
- Executes
, and returns T
. See also nil
, prog
, prog1
and prog2
: (t (println 'OK))
-> T
(tab 'lst 'any ..) -> NIL
- Print all
arguments in a tabular format. lst
should be a list of numbers, specifying the field width for each argument. All
items in a column will be left-aligned for negative numbers, otherwise
right-aligned. See also align
and wrap
: (let Fmt (-3 14 14)
(tab Fmt "Key" "Rand 1" "Rand 2")
(tab Fmt "---" "------" "------")
(for C '(A B C D E F)
(tab Fmt C (rand) (rand)) ) )
Key Rand 1 Rand 2
--- ------ ------
A 0 1481765933
B -1062105905 -877267386
C -956092119 812669700
D 553475508 -1702133896
E 1344887256 -1417066392
F 1812158119 -1999783937
-> NIL
(tail 'cnt|lst 'lst) -> lst
- Returns the last
elements of lst
. If
is negative, it is added to the length of lst
. If
the first argument is a lst
, tail
is a predicate
function returning that argument list if it is equal
to the tail of
the second argument, and NIL
otherwise. (tail -2 Lst)
is equivalent to (nth Lst 3)
. See also offset
, head
, last
and stem
: (tail 3 '(a b c d e f))
-> (d e f)
: (tail -2 '(a b c d e f))
-> (c d e f)
: (tail 0 '(a b c d e f))
-> NIL
: (tail 10 '(a b c d e f))
-> (a b c d e f)
: (tail '(d e f) '(a b c d e f))
-> (d e f)
(task 'num ['num] [sym 'any ..] [. prg]) -> lst
- A front-end to the
global. If
called with only a single num
argument, the corresponding entry is
removed from the value of *Run
. Otherwise, a new entry is created.
If an entry with that key already exists, an error is issued. For negative
numbers, a second number must be supplied. If sym
arguments are given, a job
is built for the *Run
entry. See also tasks
and timeout
: (task -10000 5000 N 0 (tty (println (inc 'N)))) # Install task for every 10 seconds
-> (-10000 5000 (job '((N . 0)) (tty (println (inc 'N)))))
: 1 # ... after 5 seconds
2 # ... after 10 seconds
3 # ... after 10 seconds
(task -10000) # remove again
-> NIL
: (task (port T 4444) (eval (udp @))) # Receive RPC via UDP
-> (3 (eval (udp @)))
# Another session (on the same machine)
: (udp "localhost" 4444 '(println *Pid)) # Send RPC message
-> (println *Pid)
(tasks . prg)
- Runs a
with variable event
specification in a single *Run
The task body prg
should return either a positive number (a file
descriptor) or a negative number (a timeout value) to be used in the next
iteration. The first value must be a timeout. A value of NIL
removes the task. Uses -2
as implicit key. See also timeout
(tasks # Three iterations with varying timeout
(let X (pop '(((-1000 . a) (-4000 . b) (-1000 . c))))
(tty (println (cdr X)))
(car X) ) )
(co 'echoes # Coroutine
(use S
(loop # Loop infinitely
(yield -4000) # First wait 4 seconds
(tty (println 'OK))
(yield # Then wait for remote data
(setq S
(pipe (exec "sh" "-c" "sleep 2; echo 7")) ) )
(tty (println (in S (read))))
(close S) ) ) ) )
(tco lst . prg) -> any
(tc ['any ..])
- Tail call optimization.
implements a loop which is
restarted whenever tc
is called during the execution of
. This is faster and uses much less stack space than a recursive
function call. lst
is a list of parameter symbols. tc
must be the very last function called in a function body. See also recur
and catch
: (de f (N)
(if (=0 N)
(printsp N)
(f (dec N)) ) ) # Recursive call
-> f
: (f 8)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -> OK
# Equivalent to
: (de f (N)
(tco (N)
(if (=0 N)
(printsp N)
(tc (dec N)) ) ) ) # Tail call
-> f
: (f 8)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -> OK
# Mutually recursive functions
: (de f (N)
(tco (N)
(if (le0 N)
(printsp N)
(g (dec N)) ) ) )
-> f
: (de g (N)
(if (le0 N)
(tc (dec N)) ) ) # Tail call
-> g
: (f 8)
8 6 4 2 -> OK
(telStr 'sym) -> sym
- Formats a telephone number according to the current
. If the string head matches the local
country code, it is replaced with the national trunk prefix, otherwise
is prepended. See also expTel
, datStr
, money
and format
: (telStr "49 1234 5678-0")
-> "+49 1234 5678-0"
: (locale "DE" "de")
-> NIL
: (telStr "49 1234 5678-0")
-> "01234 5678-0"
(tell ['cnt] 'sym ['any ..]) -> any
- Family IPC: Send an executable list
(sym any ..)
to all family
members (i.e. all children of the current process, and all other children of the
parent process, see fork
) for
automatic execution. When the cnt
argument is given and non-zero,
it should be the PID of such a process, and the list will be sent only to that
process. If cnt
is zero, the list will be sent to the parent
process instead. When called without arguments, no message is actually sent, and
the parent process may grant sync
the next waiting process. tell
is also used internally by commit
to notify about database changes. When
called explicitly, the size of the message is limited to the POSIX constant
PIPE_BUF. See also kids
, detach
and hear
: (call 'ps "x") # Show processes
1321 pts/0 S 0:00 /usr/bin/picolisp .. # Parent process
1324 pts/0 S 0:01 /usr/bin/picolisp .. # First child
1325 pts/0 S 0:01 /usr/bin/picolisp .. # Second child
1326 pts/0 R 0:00 ps x
-> T
: *Pid # We are the second child
-> 1325
: (tell 'println '*Pid) # Ask all others to print their Pid's
-> *Pid
(test 'any . prg)
- Executes
, and issues an error
if the result does not match
the any
argument. See also
: (test 12 (* 3 4))
-> NIL
: (test 12 (+ 3 4))
((+ 3 4))
12 -- 'test' failed
(text 'any1 'any ..) -> sym
- Builds a new transient symbol (string) from the string representation of
, by replacing all occurrences of an at-mark "@
followed by one of the letters "1
" through "9
", and
" through "Z
", with the corresponding
argument. In this context "@A
" refers to the 10th
argument. A literal at-mark in the text can be represented by two successive
at-marks. See also pack
and glue
: (text "abc @1 def @2" 'XYZ 123)
-> "abc XYZ def 123"
: (text "a@@bc.@1" "de")
-> "a@bc.de"
(throw 'sym 'any)
- Non-local jump into a previous
environment with the jump label
(or T
as a catch-all). Any pending finally
expressions are executed, local
symbol bindings are restored, open files are closed and internal data structures
are reset appropriately, as the environment was at the time when the
corresponding catch
was called. Then any
is returned
from that catch
. See also quit
: (de foo (N)
(println N)
(throw 'OK) )
-> foo
: (let N 1 (catch 'OK (foo 7)) (println N))
-> 1
(till 'any ['flg]) -> lst|sym
- Reads from the current input channel till a character contained in
is found (or until end of file if any
). If flg
is NIL
, a list of
single-character transient symbols is returned. Otherwise, a single string is
returned. See also from
and line
: (till ":")
-> ("a" "b" "c")
: (till ":" T)
-> "abc"
(tim$ 'tim ['flg]) -> sym
- Formats a
If flg
is NIL
, the format is HH:MM, otherwise it is
HH:MM:SS. See also $tim
and dat$
: (tim$ (time))
-> "10:57"
: (tim$ (time) T)
-> "10:57:56"
(time ['T]) -> tim
(time 'tim) -> (h m s)
(time 'h 'm ['s]) -> tim | NIL
(time '(h m [s])) -> tim | NIL
- Calculates the time of day, represented as the number of seconds since
midnight. When called without arguments, the current local time is returned.
When called with a
argument, the time of the last call to
is returned. When called with a
single number tim
, it is taken as a time value and a list with the
corresponding hour, minute and second is returned. When called with two or three
numbers (or a list of two or three numbers) for the hour, minute (and optionally
the second), the corresponding time value is returned (or NIL
they do not represent a legal time). See also date
, stamp
, usec
, tim$
and $tim
: (time) # Now
-> 32334
: (time 32334) # Now
-> (8 58 54)
: (time 12 70) # Illegal time
-> NIL
(timeout ['num])
- Sets or refreshes a timeout value in the
global, so that the current process
executes bye
after the given period. If
called without arguments, the timeout is removed. Uses -1
implicit key. See also task
: (timeout 3600000) # Timeout after one hour
-> (-1 3600000 (bye))
: *Run # Look after a few seconds
-> ((-1 3574516 (bye)))
(tmp ['any ..]) -> sym
- Returns the path name to the
ed any
arguments in a
process-local temporary directory. The directory name consists of the path to
".pil/tmp/" in the user's home directory, followed by the current process ID
. This directory is automatically
created if necessary, and removed upon termination of the process (bye
). See also *Tmp
and *Bye
: *Pid
-> 27140
: (tmp "foo" 123)
-> "/home/app/.pil/tmp/27140/foo123"
: (out (tmp "foo" 123) (println 'OK))
-> OK
: (dir (tmp))
-> ("foo123")
: (in (tmp "foo" 123) (read))
-> OK
- Pilog predicate that succeeds if the first
argument, after
ing it to a
canonical form, is either a substring or a +Sn
soundex match of the result of
applying the get
algorithm to the
following arguments. Typically used as filter predicate in select/3
database queries. See also
, same/3
, bool/3
, range/3
, head/3
, fold/3
and part/3
: (?
@Nr (1 . 5)
@Nm "Sven"
(select (@CuSu)
((nr +CuSu @Nr) (nm +CuSu @Nm))
(range @Nr @CuSu nr)
(tolr @Nm @CuSu nm) )
(val @Name @CuSu nm) )
@Nr=(1 . 5) @Nm="Sven" @CuSu={C2} @Name="Seven Oaks Ltd."
(touch 'sym) -> sym
- When
is an external symbol, it is marked as "modified" so
that upon a later commit
it will be
written to the database file. An explicit call of touch
is only
necessary when the value or properties of sym
are indirectly
: (get '{2} 'lst)
-> (1 2 3 4 5)
: (set (cdr (get (touch '{2}) 'lst)) 999) # Only read-access, need 'touch'
-> 999
: (get '{2} 'lst) # Modified second list element
-> (1 999 3 4 5)
(trace 'sym)
(trace 'sym 'cls)
(trace '(sym . cls))
- (Debug mode only) Inserts a
function call at the beginning of the function or method body of
, so that trace information will be printed before and after
execution. Can only be used with EXPRs and SUBRs. Built-in functions (SUBRs) are
automatically converted to Lisp expressions (see expr
). See also *Dbg
, traceAll
and untrace
, debug
and lint
: (trace '+)
-> +
: (+ 3 4)
+ : 3 4
+ = 7
-> 7
- (Debug mode only) Command line frontend to
. See also -debug
$ ./pil --trace append +
: (append (1 2 3) (4 5 6))
append : (1 2 3) (4 5 6)
append = (1 2 3 4 5 6)
-> (1 2 3 4 5 6)
(traceAll ['lst]) -> sym
- (Debug mode only) Traces all Lisp level functions by inserting a
function call at the beginning. lst
may contain symbols which are to be excluded from that process. In addition, all
symbols in the global variable *NoTrace
are excluded. See also
, untrace
and *Dbg
: (traceAll) # Trace all Lisp level functions
-> balance
(trail ['flg]) -> lst
- Returns a stack backtrace for the current point of program execution. The
list elements are either list expressions (denoting function or method calls),
or symbols followed by their corresponding values. If
, the symbols and their values are omitted, and only the
expressions are returned. See also bt
and env
: (de f (A B)
(g (inc A) (dec B)) )
-> f
: (de g (X Y)
(trail T) )
-> g
: (f 3 4)
-> ((f 3 4) A 3 B 4 (g (inc A) (dec B)) X 4 Y 3)
(tree 'sym 'cls ['hook]) -> tree
- Returns a data structure specifying a database index tree.
and cls
determine the relation, with an optional hook
object. See also root
, fetch
, store
, count
, leaf
, minKey
, maxKey
, init
, step
, scan
, iter
, prune
, zapTree
and chkTree
: (tree 'nm '+Item)
-> (nm . +Item)
(trim 'lst) -> lst
- Returns a copy of
with all trailing whitespace characters
or NIL
elements removed. See also clip
: (trim (1 NIL 2 NIL NIL))
-> (1 NIL 2)
: (trim '(a b " " " "))
-> (a b)
- Pilog predicate that always succeeds. See also
and repeat/0
: (? (true))
-> T
(try 'msg 'obj ['any ..]) -> any
- Tries to send the message
to the object obj
optionally with arguments any
. If obj
is not an
object, or if the message cannot be located in obj
, in its classes
or superclasses, NIL
is returned. See also OO Concepts, send
, method
, meth
, super
and extra
: (try 'msg> 123)
-> NIL
: (try 'html> 'a)
-> NIL
(tty . prg) -> any
- Redirects the current output channel to the terminal (stderr) during the
execution of
. The current output channel and the state of
will be saved and restored appropriately. See also
: (task -2000 0 (tty (println (inc (0)))))
-> (-2000 0 (tty (println (inc (0)))))
: (* 3 4) # Typed while numbers are printed
(type 'any) -> lst
- Return the type (list of classes) of the object
. See also
OO Concepts, isa
, class
, new
and object
: (type '{1A;3})
: (type '+DnButton)
-> (+Tiny +Rid +JS +Able +Button)