- Holds an
tree of objects
created by obj
- Holds an
tree of already
ed source locations (as returned
by file
) See also once
: *Once
-> (("lib/" "misc.l" . 11) (("lib/" "http.l" . 9) (("lib/" "form.l" . 11))))
- A global constant holding the name of the operating system. Possible values
, "Android"
, "FreeBSD"
, "SunOS"
, "Darwin"
. See also *CPU
and version
: *OS
-> "Linux"
(obj (typ sym [hook] val ..) [var1 val1 ..]) -> obj
(obj typ any [var1 val1 ..]) -> obj
- Finds or creates a database object, and initializes additional properties
using the
and valN
arguments. In the first form,
a request
for (typ sym [hook]
val ..)
is called, while the second form uses cache
to maintain objects without unique
s by indexing *ObjIdx
with the any
: (obj ((+Item) nr 2) nm "Spare Part" sup `(db 'nr '+CuSu 2) inv 100 pr 1250)
-> {B2}
(object 'sym 'any ['sym2 'any2 ..]) -> obj
- Defines
to be an object with the value (or type)
. The property list is initialized with all optionally supplied
key-value pairs. See also OO Concepts, new
, type
and isa
: (object 'Obj '(+A +B +C) 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)
-> Obj
: (show 'Obj)
Obj (+A +B +C)
c 3
b 2
a 1
-> Obj
(oct 'num ['num]) -> sym
(oct 'sym) -> num
- Converts a number
to an octal string, or an octal string
to a number. In the first case, if the second argument is
given, the result is separated by spaces into groups of such many digits. See
also bin
, hex
, hax
and format
: (oct 73)
-> "111"
: (oct "111")
-> 73
: (oct 1234567 3)
-> "4 553 207"
(off var ..) -> NIL
- Stores
in all var
arguments. See also on
, onOff
, zero
and one
: (off A B)
-> NIL
: A
-> NIL
: B
-> NIL
(offset 'lst1 'lst2) -> cnt | NIL
- Returns the
position of the tail list lst1
, or NIL
if it is not found. See also index
, sub?
and tail
: (offset '(c d e f) '(a b c d e f))
-> 3
: (offset '(c d e) '(a b c d e f))
-> NIL
(on var ..) -> T
- Stores
in all var
arguments. See also off
, onOff
, zero
and one
: (on A B)
-> T
: A
-> T
: B
-> T
(once . prg) -> any
- Executes
once, when the current file is load
ed the first time. Subsequent loads at a
later time will not execute prg
, and once
. See also *Once
(zero *Cnt1 *Cnt2) # Init counters
(load "file1.l" "file2.l") ) # Load other files
`(once T) # Ignore next time the rest of this file
(one var ..) -> 1
- Stores
in all var
arguments. See also zero
, on
, off
and onOff
: (one A B)
-> 1
: A
-> 1
: B
-> 1
(onOff var ..) -> flg
- Logically negates the values of all
arguments. Returns the
new value of the last symbol. See also on
, off
and one
: (onOff A B)
-> T
: A
-> T
: B
-> T
: (onOff A B)
-> NIL
: A
-> NIL
: B
-> NIL
(open 'any ['flg]) -> cnt | NIL
- Opens the file with the name
in read/write mode (or
read-only if flg
is non-NIL
), and returns a file
descriptor cnt
(or NIL
on error). A leading
" character in any
is substituted with the
PicoLisp Home Directory, as it was remembered during interpreter startup.
If flg
is NIL
and the file does not exist, it is
created. The file descriptor can be used in subsequent calls to in
and out
. See also close
and poll
: (open "x")
-> 3
(opid) -> pid | NIL
- Returns the corresponding process ID when the current output channel is
writing to a pipe, otherwise
. See also ipid
and out
: (out '(cat) (call 'ps "-p" (opid)))
7127 pts/3 00:00:00 cat
-> T
(opt) -> sym
- Return the next command line argument ("option", as would be processed by
) as a string, and remove it from
the remaining command line arguments. See also Invocation and argv
$ pil -"de f () (println 'opt (opt))" -f abc -bye
opt "abc"
(or 'any ..) -> any
- Logical OR. The expressions
are evaluated from left to
right. If a non-NIL
value is encountered, it is returned
immediately. Else the result of the last expression is returned. See also
, and
and unless
: (or (= 3 3) (read))
-> T
: (or (= 3 4) (read))
-> abc
- Pilog predicate that takes an arbitrary number
of clauses, and succeeds if one of them can be proven. See also
: (?
((equal 3 @X) (equal @X 4))
((equal 7 @X) (equal @X 7)) ) )
-> NIL
(out 'any . prg) -> any
- Opens
as output channel during the execution of
. The current output channel will be saved and restored
appropriately. If the argument is NIL
, standard output is used. If
the argument is a symbol, it is used as a file name (opened in read/write-append
mode if the first character is "+
"). If it is a positive number, it
is used as the descriptor of an open file. If it is a negative number, the saved
output channel such many levels above the current one is used. Otherwise (if it
is a list), it is taken as a command with arguments, and a pipe is opened for
output. The (system dependent) exit status code of the child process is stored
in the global variable @@
. In all cases,
is called when prg
is done. See also in
, err
, fd
, opid
, call
, ctl
, pipe
, poll
, close
and load
: (out "a" (println 123 '(a b c) 'def)) # Write one line to file "a"
-> def
: (out '(lpr) (prinl "Hello")) # Send line to line printer
-> "Hello"
(output exe . prg) -> any
- Establishes an output stream, by redirecting the current output channel
during the execution of
. The current output channel will be
saved and restored appropriately. exe
is executed (in the context
of the original output channel) whenever a character needs to be output by print
calls in prg
. That character is passed in the global variable
, and the following character in the
stream in @@@
look-ahead). See also input
, out
and pipe
: (output (prin (uppc @@)) (prinl "abc"))
-> "abc"
: (output (println @@ @@@) (prin "abc"))
"a" "b"
"b" "c"
"c" NIL
-> "abc"
: (pack
(output (link @@)
(print '(+ 2 (* 3 4))) ) ) )
-> "(+ 2 (* 3 4))"
: (pack
(let L (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
(output (link @@)
(while L
(ext:Base64 (++ L) (++ L) (++ L)) ) ) ) ) )