and clause
: (be likes (John Mary)) -> likes : *Rule -> likes
expressions which
are used during key
, sync
, wait
and listen
. The first element of each expression
must either be a positive number (thus denoting a file descriptor to wait for)
or a negative number (denoting a timeout value in milliseconds (in that case
another number must follow to hold the remaining time)). A poll(2)
system call is performed with these values, and the corresponding
body is executed when input data are available or when a
timeout occurred (with @
set to the file
descriptor or timeout value). See also task
: (de *Run (-2000 0 (println '2sec))) # Install 2-sec-timer -> *Run : 2sec # Prints "2sec" every 2 seconds 2sec 2sec # (Ctrl-D) Exit $
s, a subclass of +index
. Accepts an optional argument for a
attribute. See also Database.
(rel tel (+Fold +Ref +String)) # Phone number with folded, non-unique index
s. Can only be used as a prefix
class to +Key
or +Ref
. It maintains an index in the current
(sub)class, in addition to that in one of the superclasses (must be a
), to allow (sub)class-specific queries. See also Database.
(class +Ord +Entity) # Order class (rel nr (+Need +Ref +Number)) # Order number ... (class +EuOrd +Ord) # EU-specific order subclass (rel nr (+Ref2 +Key +Number)) # Order number with backing index
. The class hierarchy
includes the classes +Any
, +Bag
, +Bool
, +Number
, +Date
, +Time
, +Symbol
, +String
, +Link
, +Joint
and +Blob
, and the prefix classes +Hook
, +Hook2
, +index
, +Key
, +Ref
, +Ref2
, +Idx
, +IdxFold
, +Sn
, +Fold
, +Aux
, +UB
, +Dep
, +List
, +Need
, +Mis
, +Alt
and +Swap
. See also Database and +Entity
Messages to relation objects include
mis> (Val Obj) # Return error if mismatching type or value has> (Val X) # Check if the value is present put> (Obj Old New) # Put new value rel> (Obj Old New) # Maintain relational structures lose> (Obj Val) # Delete relational structures keep> (Obj Val) # Restore deleted relational structures zap> (Obj Val) # Clean up relational structures
(rand ['cnt1 'cnt2] | ['T]) -> cnt | flg
and cnt2
(or -2147483648 .. +2147483647 if no
arguments are given). If the argument is T
, a boolean value
is returned. Note that if a range is given, the results are
"more random" because the higher bits of the internal generator are used. See
also seed
: (rand 3 9) -> 3 : (rand 3 9) -> 7
(range 'num1 'num2 ['num3]) -> lst
. When num3
is non-NIL
, it is used
to increment num1
(if it is smaller than num2
) or to
decrement num1
(if it is greater than num2
). See also
: (range 1 6) -> (1 2 3 4 5 6) : (range 6 1) -> (6 5 4 3 2 1) : (range -3 3) -> (-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3) : (range 3 -3 2) -> (3 1 -1 -3)
algorithm to the following arguments.
Typically used as filter predicate in select/3
database queries. See also
, isa/2
, same/3
, bool/3
, head/3
, fold/3
, part/3
and tolr/3
: (? @Nr (1 . 5) # Numbers between 1 and 5 @Nm "part" (select (@Item) ((nr +Item @Nr) (nm +Item @Nm)) (range @Nr @Item nr) (part @Nm @Item nm) ) ) @Nr=(1 . 5) @Nm="part" @Item={B1} @Nr=(1 . 5) @Nm="part" @Item={B2} -> NIL
(rank 'any 'lst ['flg]) -> lst
should be sorted. Returns the
element from lst
with a maximal CAR less or equal to
(if flg
is NIL
), or with a minimal
CAR greater or equal to any
(if flg
), or NIL
if no match is found. See also
and Comparing.
: (rank 0 '((1 . a) (100 . b) (1000 . c))) -> NIL : (rank 50 '((1 . a) (100 . b) (1000 . c))) -> (1 . a) : (rank 100 '((1 . a) (100 . b) (1000 . c))) -> (100 . b) : (rank 300 '((1 . a) (100 . b) (1000 . c))) -> (100 . b) : (rank 9999 '((1 . a) (100 . b) (1000 . c))) -> (1000 . c) : (rank 50 '((1000 . a) (100 . b) (1 . c)) T) -> (100 . b)
(rassoc 'any 'lst) -> lst
. Returns the first
element from lst
with its CDR equal to any
, or
if no match is found. See also rasoq
and asoq
: (rassoc 7 '((999 1 2 3) ("b" . 7) ("ok" "Hello"))) -> ("b" . 7) : (rassoc (1 2 3) '((999 1 2 3) ("b" . 7) ("ok" "Hello"))) -> (999 1 2 3) : (rassoc 'u '((999 1 2 3) ("b" . 7) ("ok" "Hello"))) -> NIL
(rasoq 'any 'lst) -> lst
. Returns the first
element from lst
with any
as its CDR, or
if no match is found. ==
is used for comparison (pointer equality). See
also assoc
and rassoc
: (rasoq 'b '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c))) ) -> (2 . b) : (rasoq "b" '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c))) ) -> NIL
(raw ['flg]) -> flg
for "cooked mode"). Otherwise, the
console is set to the new state. See also key
$ pil + : (raw) -> NIL : (raw T) -> T ... # Raw mode, no echo!
(rc 'sym 'any1 ['any2 ['any3 'any4..]]) -> any
, or stores one or more
key-value pairs (any1 . any2)
in that file, using the key
(and optionally any3
etc. for multiple stores).
All values are stored in a list in the file, using assoc
. During the whole operation, the file is
exclusively locked with ctl
: (info "a.rc") # File exists? -> NIL # No : (rc "a.rc" 'a 1) # Store 1 for 'a' -> 1 : (rc "a.rc" 'b (2 3 4)) # Store (2 3 4) for 'b' -> (2 3 4) : (rc "a.rc" 'c 'b) # Store 'b' for 'c' -> b : (info "a.rc") # Check file -> (28 733124 . 61673) : (in "a.rc" (echo)) # Display it ((c . b) (b 2 3 4) (a . 1)) -> T : (rc "a.rc" 'c) # Fetch value for 'c' -> b : (rc "a.rc" @) # Fetch value for 'b' -> (2 3 4)
(rd ['sym]) -> any
(rd 'cnt) -> num | NIL
argument (second form), that number
of raw bytes (in big endian format if cnt
is positive, otherwise
little endian) is read as a single number. Upon end of file, if the
argument is given, it is returned, otherwise NIL
See also pr
, tell
, hear
and wr
: (out "x" (pr 'abc "EOF" 123 "def")) -> "def" : (in "x" (rd)) -> abc : (in "x" (make (use X (until (== "EOF" (setq X (rd "EOF"))) # '==' detects end of file (link X) ) ) ) ) -> (abc "EOF" 123 "def") # as opposed to reading a symbol "EOF" : (in "/dev/urandom" (rd 20)) -> 396737673456823753584720194864200246115286686486
(read ['sym1 ['sym2]]) -> any
is returned
upon end of file. When called without arguments, an arbitrary Lisp expression is
read. Otherwise, a token (a number, an internal symbol, a transient symbol (for
punctuation), or a list of symbols (for a string)) is read. In that case,
specifies which set of characters to accept for continuous
symbol names (in addition to the standard alphanumerical characters), and
an optional comment character. See also any
, str
, line
, skip
and eof
: (list (read) (read) (read)) # Read three things from console 123 # a number abcd # a symbol (def # and a list ghi jkl ) -> (123 abcd (def ghi jkl)) : (make (while (read "_" "#") (link @))) abc = def_ghi("xyz"+-123) # Comment NIL -> (abc "=" def_ghi "(" ("x" "y" "z") "+" "-" 123 ")")
(recur fun) -> any
(recurse ..) -> any
on the fly. During the execution of fun
, the
symbol recurse
is bound to the function definition
. See also let
and tco
: (de fibonacci (N) (when (lt0 N) (quit "Bad fibonacci" N) ) (recur (N) (if (>= 2 N) 1 (+ (recurse (dec N)) (recurse (- N 2)) ) ) ) ) -> fibonacci : (fibonacci 22) -> 17711 : (fibonacci -7) -7 -- Bad fibonacci
(redef sym . fun) -> sym
in terms of itself. The current definition is
saved in a new symbol, which is substituted for each occurrence of
in fun
, and which is also returned. See also
, undef
, daemon
and patch
: (de hello () (prinl "Hello world!")) -> hello : (pp 'hello) (de hello NIL (prinl "Hello world!") ) -> hello : (redef hello (A B) (println 'Before A) (prog1 (hello) (println 'After B)) ) -> "hello" : (pp 'hello) (de hello (A B) (println 'Before A) (prog1 ("hello") (println 'After B)) ) -> hello : (hello 1 2) Before 1 Hello world! After 2 -> "Hello world!" : (redef * @ (msg (rest)) (pass *) ) -> "*" : (* 1 2 3) (1 2 3) -> 6 : (redef + @ (pass (ifn (num? (next)) pack +) (arg)) ) -> "+" : (+ 1 2 3) -> 6 : (+ "a" 'b '(c d e)) -> "abcde"
(rel sym lst [any ..]) -> any
in the current class *Class
, using lst
as the list of
classes for that relation, and possibly additional arguments any
for its initialization. See also Database, class
, extend
, dm
and var
(class +Person +Entity) (rel nm (+List +Ref +String)) # Names (rel tel (+Ref +String)) # Telephone (rel adr (+Joint) prs (+Address)) # Address (class +Address +Entity) (rel cit (+Need +Hook +Link) (+City)) # City (rel str (+List +Ref +String) cit) # Street (rel prs (+List +Joint) adr (+Person)) # Inhabitants (class +City +Entity) (rel nm (+List +Ref +String)) # Zip / Names
(release 'sym) -> NIL
: (release "sema1") -> NIL
(remark 'any)
: (date) -> 739542 # 2024-12-16 : (scl 3) -> 3 # 0.003 : 12.3 -> 12300 # 12.300 : (date) -> 739542 # 2024-12-16 739.542
, revolve/2
, select/3
and db/3
(setq *Ext # Set up external offsets (mapcar '((@Host @Ext) (cons @Ext (curry (@Host @Ext (Sock)) (Obj) (when (or Sock (setq Sock (connect @Host 4040))) (ext @Ext (out Sock (pr (cons 'qsym Obj))) (prog1 (in Sock (rd)) (unless @ (close Sock) (off Sock) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) '("localhost") '(20) ) ) (de rsrc () # Simple resource handler, ignoring errors or EOFs (extract '((@Ext Host) (let? @Sock (connect Host 4040) (cons (curry (@Ext @Sock) (X) # out (ext @Ext (out @Sock (pr X))) ) (curry (@Ext @Sock) () # in (ext @Ext (in @Sock (rd))) ) ) ) ) '(20) '("localhost") ) ) : (? @Nr (1 . 3) @Sup 2 @Rsrc (rsrc) (remote (@Item . @Rsrc) (db nr +Item @Nr @Item) (val @Sup @Item sup nr) ) (show @Item) ) {AF2} (+Item) pr 1250 inv 100 sup {AG2} nm "Spare Part" nr 2 @Nr=(1 . 3) @Sup=2 @Rsrc=((((X) (ext 20 (out 3 (pr X)))) NIL (ext 20 (in 3 (rd))))) @Item={AF2} -> NIL
(remove 'cnt 'lst) -> lst
from lst
. This
is a non-destructive operation. See also insert
, place
, append
, delete
and replace
: (remove 3 '(a b c d e)) -> (a b d e) : (remove 1 '(a b c d e)) -> (b c d e) : (remove 9 '(a b c d e)) -> (a b c d e)
(repeat) -> lst
and be
(be a (1)) # Define three facts (be a (2)) (be a (3)) (repeat) # Unlimited supply : (? (a @N)) @N=1 @N=2 @N=3 @N=1 @N=2 @N=3. # Stop -> NIL
: (be integer (@I) # Generate unlimited supply of integers (^ @C (box 0)) # Init to zero (repeat) # Repeat from here (^ @I (inc @C)) ) -> integer : (? (integer @X)) @X=1 @X=2 @X=3 @X=4. # Stop -> NIL
(replace 'lst 'any1 'any2 ..) -> lst
all occurrences of any1
. For optional additional argument pairs, this process is
repeated. This is a non-destructive operation. See also append
, delete
, insert
, remove
and place
: (replace '(a b b a) 'a 'A) -> (A b b A) : (replace '(a b b a) 'b 'B) -> (a B B a) : (replace '(a b b a) 'a 'B 'b 'A) -> (B A A B)
(request 'typ 'sym ['hook] 'val ..) -> obj
), a new object of the given type is
created (using new
). See also obj
: (request '(+Item) 'nr 2) -> {B2}
(request! 'typ 'sym ['hook] 'val ..) -> obj
See also new!
, set!
, put!
and inc!
(rest) -> lst
). Returns the list of all remaining arguments from the internal
list. See also args
, next
, arg
and pass
: (de foo @ (println (rest))) -> foo : (foo 1 2 3) (1 2 3) -> (1 2 3)
(retract) -> lst
, clause
, asserta
and assertz
: (be a (1)) -> a : (be a (2)) -> a : (be a (3)) -> a : (retract '(a (2))) -> (((1)) ((3))) : (? (a @N)) @N=1 @N=3 -> NIL
, asserta/1
and assertz/1
: (be a (1)) -> a : (be a (2)) -> a : (be a (3)) -> a : (? (retract (a 2))) -> T : (rules 'a) 1 (be a (1)) 2 (be a (3)) -> a
(rev 'cnt1 'cnt2) -> cnt
bits of cnt2
. See also
and hash
: (bin (rev 4 (bin "0101"))) -> "1010" : (rev 32 1) -> 2147483648 : (hex @) -> "80000000" : (rev 32 (hex "E0000000")) -> 7
(reverse 'lst) -> lst
. See also flip
: (reverse (1 2 3 4)) -> (4 3 2 1)
(rewind) -> flg
when successful. See also flush
: (out "a" (prinl "Hello world")) -> "Hello world" : (in "a" (echo)) Hello world -> T : (info "a") -> (12 733216 . 53888) : (out "a" (rewind)) -> T : (info "a") -> (0 733216 . 53922)
: (solve (quote @Rsrc '((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8) (a b c)) (revolve (@Res @Lst . @Rsrc) (lst @Res @Lst) ) ) @Res ) -> (1 5 a 2 6 b 3 7 c 4 8)
(rid 'var 'any) -> any
from the (possibly
circular) value of var
, and returns the new value. See also
, queue
, cut
and del
$: (off E) -> NIL : (fifo 'E 1 2 3 2 4 2) -> 2 : E -> (2 1 2 3 2 4 .) $: (rid 'E 2) -> (4 1 3 .) $: (rid 'E 4) -> (3 1 .)
(rollback) -> flg
: (pool "db") -> T # .. Modify external objects .. : (rollback) # Rollback -> T
(root 'tree) -> (num . sym)
, and the base node in sym
. See also tree
: (root (tree 'nr '+Item)) -> (6 . {H1})
(rot 'lst ['cnt]) -> lst
are (destructively)
shifted right, and the value from the last cell is stored in the first cell.
Without the optional cnt
argument, the whole list is rotated,
otherwise only the first cnt
elements. See also flip
: (rot (1 2 3 4)) # Rotate all four elements -> (4 1 2 3) : (rot (1 2 3 4 5 6) 3) # Rotate only the first three elements -> (3 1 2 4 5 6)
(round 'num1 ['num2]) -> sym
with num2
decimal places,
according to the current scale *Scl
defaults to 3. See also Numbers
and format
: (scl 4) # Set scale to 4 -> 4 # 0.0004 : (round 123456) # Format with three decimal places -> "12.346" : (round 123456 2) # Format with two decimal places -> "12.35" : (format 123456 *Scl) # Format with full precision -> "12.3456"
(rt cnt . prg) -> any
, then (destructively)
adds the number of elapsed microseconds to the cnt
parameter. Thus,
will finally contain the total number of microseconds spent in
. See also usec
: (de foo () # Define function with empty loop (rt 0 (do 999999999)) ) -> foo : (foo) # Execute it -> NIL : (pp 'foo) (de foo NIL (rt 2022324 (do 999999999)) ) # 'rt' incremented 'cnt' by 2022324 -> foo
(rules 'sym ..) -> sym
arguments. See also Pilog and be
: (rules 'member 'append) 1 (be member (@X (@X . @))) 2 (be member (@X (@ . @Y)) (member @X @Y)) 1 (be append (NIL @X @X)) 2 (be append ((@A . @X) @Y (@A . @Z)) (append @X @Y @Z)) -> append
(run 'any ['cnt]) -> any
is an atom, run
behaves like eval
. Otherwise any
is a list,
which is evaluated in sequence. The last result is returned. If an offset
is given, the value of @
in the cnt
'th call environment
is used during that evaluation. cnt
should be greater than zero.
See also up
: (run '((println (+ 1 2 3)) (println 'OK))) 6 OK -> OK : (de f (N . Prg) (when (gt0 N) (prinl "1: @ = " @) # '@' is 4, as 'N' is 4 from the call below (run Prg 1) ) ) # but printed is 3, as it was set by 'and' -> f : (and 3 (f 4 (prinl "2: @ = " @))) # '@' was 3 when 'f' was called 1: @ = 4 2: @ = 3 -> 3