
Discrete-Event Simulation (DES)

(c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger

PicoLisp has a Discrete-Event Simulation library in "@lib/simul.l".


The simulated objects (often called "Agents") are implemented as separate coroutines. These are created the normal way with co, and the library functions use yield to transfer control between them.

Only one coroutine may be running at one point in time. All others are either

A running coroutine can suspend itself, and cause another coroutine to resume, by either

The simulation can optionally run in realtime mode. In that case, it sleeps between the scheduled points in time, and accepts key strokes for user interaction.

The library consists of five global variables and four functions.

Global Variables

Simulated system time since the start of the simulation. It can be in any unit, but should be in milliseconds if in realtime mode.
Queue of coroutines ready to run.
idx tree of coroutines pausing for a given time.
Realtime: Either NIL (default), or 1 for wall clock speed, 2 for double speed etc.
Holds possibly queued key presses (only in realtime mode).


(des [. prg])
Performs one discrete-event simulation step. It first runs all coroutines in *Ready until that queue is empty. Then - if *Next is not empty - advances the simulation to the next point in time, and resumes all corresponding coroutines. In that case, if in realtime mode, it delays execution as necessary, handles possible key presses, and runs prg after each key.
(pause ['cnt|sym] ..) -> any
Waits for events (i.e. a time span elapsed or a signal arrived). For a numeric argument, the current coroutine is scheduled in *Next for a point in time after that number of time units. For symbolic arguments, the current coroutine is queued into those symbol's event queues. In any case, control is passed to the next coroutine.
(event 'sym [. prg])
Sends the signal sym to all coroutines waiting in that symbol's event queue. As a result, these coroutines are removed from the queue and appended to the *Ready queue, with the optional prg body to be executed when resumed. The current coroutine continues to run.
(wake 'sym [. prg])
Wakes up another coroutine sym, by appending it to the *Ready queue with the optional 'prg' body to be executed when resumed. This means that if sym is currently waiting for a point in time in *Next, it is removed from that index (i.e. the pause is aborted). Also, if sym is waiting for signals, it is removed from those event queues. The current coroutine continues to run.


A typical DES program will start some coroutines and let them perform their initial work until they need to pause.

That means, if a given operation in the simulation is supposed to take cnt time units, this coroutine calls pause with that number. Or, if it depends on some signals from another part of the program, it may call pause with those symbols. In any case - as it has nothing else to do - it goes to sleep.

When all of them wait for a time or signal, control is returned to the main program. All coroutines are now waiting in *Next or some signal event queue (or in *Ready if they just gave up control with (pause)).

The main program may now check *Next and perhaps *Ready. If both are empty, no further events can occur, and the program may terminate.

Otherwise, it calls des to continue with the next step(s).

At any time, a coroutine or the main program may call wake, for example to interrupt another coroutine and cause it to throw into some other context, or have that coroutine's pause return a special value by running the prg argument.

An Example

Let's use DES to demonstrate the well-known Dining Philosophers Problem.

Put the following code into a file "dining.l".

# 07sep23 Software Lab. Alexander Burger
# Dining Philosophers
# pil dining.l -dining~main +

(load "@lib/simul.l")

(symbols 'dining 'simul 'pico)

(local) (*ForkA *ForkB *ForkC *ForkD *ForkE now think)

(de now (Str)
   (prinl (tim$ (* 60 *Time)) " " (co) " " Str) )

(de think (Left Right)
      (now "thinking")
      (pause (rand 180 240))  # 3 to 4 hours
      (now "hungry")
      (while (or (val Left) (val Right))
         (now "waiting")
         (pause Left Right) )
      (set Left (set Right (co)))
      (now "eating")
      (pause 20)  # 20 minutes
      (set Left (set Right NIL))
      (event Left)
      (event Right) ) )

(local) main

(de main ()
   (symbols '(dining simul pico))
   (co 'Aristotle
      (think '*ForkA '*ForkB) )
   (co 'Kant
      (think '*ForkB '*ForkC) )
   (co 'Spinoza
      (think '*ForkC '*ForkD) )
   (co 'Marx
      (think '*ForkD '*ForkE) )
   (co 'Russell
      (think '*ForkE '*ForkA) ) )

It uses five global variables *ForkA through *ForkE and five coroutines Aristotle, Kant, Spinoza, Marx and Russell. They all run the same function think, with their neighboring forks as Left and Right arguments.

In think, each philospher is first "thinking" for a random time between three and four hours. Then it gets "hungry", tries to pick up both forks, and - if at least one of the forks is in use - starts "waiting" for a left or right fork signal from another philosopher, and checks the forks again.

Now both forks are free. The philosopher puts himself into both (it could put in fact any non-NIL value), then is "eating" for 20 minutes, releases both forks by setting them to NIL, and sends a left and a right fork signal to the neighboring philosophers possibly waiting for the forks.

The simulation cannot deadlock, because both forks are picked up and released atomically, and because coroutines waiting for fork signals are always queued after the other waiting coroutines.

Sample Run

$ ./pil misc/dining.l -dining~main +
00:00 Aristotle thinking
00:00 Kant thinking
00:00 Spinoza thinking
00:00 Marx thinking
00:00 Russell thinking
dining: (more (stack))
(Russell . 62)
(Marx . 62)
(Spinoza . 62)
(Kant . 62)
(Aristotle . 62)
(T . 155)
-> NIL
dining: *Ready
-> NIL
dining: (idx '*Next)
-> ((180 . Aristotle) (194 . Marx) (198 . Russell) (201 . Spinoza) (229 . Kant))
dining: (des)
03:00 Aristotle hungry
03:00 Aristotle eating
-> NIL
dining: (des)
03:14 Marx hungry
03:14 Marx eating
-> NIL
dining: (des)
03:18 Russell hungry
03:18 Russell waiting
-> NIL
dining: (do 10 (des))
03:20 Aristotle thinking
03:20 Russell waiting
03:21 Spinoza hungry
03:21 Spinoza waiting
03:34 Marx thinking
03:34 Spinoza eating
03:34 Russell eating
03:49 Kant hungry
03:49 Kant waiting
03:54 Russell thinking
03:54 Spinoza thinking
03:54 Kant eating
04:14 Kant thinking
06:27 Aristotle hungry
06:27 Aristotle eating
06:47 Aristotle thinking
06:47 Marx hungry
06:47 Marx eating
07:07 Marx thinking
07:40 Russell hungry
07:40 Russell eating
-> NIL