Global variable holding a (possibly empty) prg body, which will be executed when a SIGWINCH signal is sent to the current process. See also alarm, sigio, *Hup, *Sig[12], *TStp[12] and *Term.
: (de *Winch (msg 'SIGWINCH))
-> *Winch
(wait 'cnt|NIL . prg) -> any
(wait 'cnt|NIL T 'fd) -> fd|NIL
Waits for a condition. While the result of the execution of prg is NIL (first form), or no input is available for the file descriptor in fd (second form), a poll(2) system call is executed for all file descriptors and timers in the VAL of the global variable *Run. When cnt is non-NIL, the waiting time is limited to cnt milliseconds. Returns the result of prg. See also key and sync.
: (wait 2000)                                # Wait 2 seconds
-> NIL
: (prog
   (zero *Cnt)
   (setq *Run                                # Install background loop
      '((-2000 0 (println (inc '*Cnt)))) )   # Increment '*Cnt' every 2 sec
   (wait NIL (> *Cnt 6))                     # Wait until > 6
   (off *Run) )
1                                            # Waiting ..
-> NIL
(week 'dat) -> num
Returns the number of the week for a given date dat. See also day, ultimo, datStr and strDat.
: (datStr (date))
-> "2007-06-01"
: (week (date))
-> 22
(when 'any . prg) -> any
Conditional execution: When the condition any evaluates to non-NIL, prg is executed and the result is returned. Otherwise NIL is returned. See also unless, if, and and cond.
: (when (> 4 3) (println 'OK) (println 'Good))
-> Good
(while 'any . prg) -> any
Conditional loop: While the condition any evaluates to non-NIL, prg is repeatedly executed. If prg is never executed, NIL is returned. Otherwise the result of prg is returned. See also until, for, loop and do.
: (while (read)
   (println 'got: @) )
got: abc
got: 1234
-> 1234
(what 'sym) -> lst
(Debug mode only) Returns a list of all internal symbols that match the pattern string sym. See also match, who, has and can.
: (what "cd@dr")
-> (cdaddr cdaadr cddr cddddr cdddr cddadr cdadr)
(who 'any) -> lst
(Debug mode only) Returns a list of all functions or method definitions that contain the atom or pattern any. See also match, what, has and can.
: (who 'caddr)                         # Who is using 'caddr'?
-> ($dat lint1 expDat datStr $tim tim$ mail _gen dat$ datSym)

: (who "Type error")
-> ((mis> . +Link) *Uni (mis> . +Joint))

: (more (who "Type error") pp)         # Pretty print all results
(dm (mis> . +Link) (Val Obj)
      (nor (isa (: type) Val) (canQuery Val))
      "Type error" ) )
.                                      # Stop
-> T
(wipe 'sym|lst) -> sym|lst
Clears the VAL and the property list of sym, or of all symbols in the list lst. When a symbol is an external symbol, its state is also set to "not loaded". Does nothing when sym is an external symbol that has been modified or deleted ("dirty").
: (setq A (1 2 3 4))
-> (1 2 3 4)
: (put 'A 'a 1)
-> 1
: (put 'A 'b 2)
-> 2
: (show 'A)
A (1 2 3 4)
   b 2
   a 1
-> A
: (wipe 'A)
-> A
: (show 'A)
-> A
(with 'var . prg) -> any
Saves the current object This and sets it to the new value var. Then prg is executed, and This is restored to its previous value. The return value is the result of prg. Used typically to access the local data of var in the same manner as inside a method body. prg is not executed (and NIL is returned) when var is NIL. (with 'X . prg) is equivalent to (let? This 'X . prg).
: (put 'X 'a 1)
-> 1
: (put 'X 'b 2)
-> 2
: (with 'X (list (: a) (: b)))
-> (1 2)
(wr 'cnt ..) -> cnt
Writes all cnt arguments as raw bytes to the current output channel. See also rd and pr.
: (out "x" (wr 1 255 257))  # Write to "x"
-> 257
: (hd "x")
00000000  01 FF 01                                         ...
-> NIL
(wrap 'cnt 'lst) -> sym
(wrap 'cnt 'sym) -> lst
The first form returns a transient symbol with all characters in lst packed in lines with a maximal length of cnt. The second form converts a symbol to a list of transient symbols each with a maximal length of cnt. See also tab, align and center.
: (wrap 20 (chop "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"))
-> "The quick brown fox^Jjumps over the lazy^Jdog"
: (wrap 8 (chop "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"))
-> "The^Jquick^Jbrown^Jfox^Jjumps^Jover the^Jlazy dog"
: (wrap 8 "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
-> ("The" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jumps" "over the" "lazy dog")