A global variable holding the pathname of the database blob directory. See also blob.
: *Blob
-> "blob/app/"
A global variable holding a (possibly empty) prg body, to be executed just before the termination of the PicoLisp interpreter. See also bye, finish and tmp.
: (push1 '*Bye '(call "rm" "myfile.tmp"))  # Remove a temporary file
-> (call 'rm "myfile.tmp")
Class for a list of arbitrary relations, a subclass of +relation. Objects of that class maintain a list of heterogeneous relations. Typically used in combination with the +List prefix class, to maintain small two-dimensional tables within objects. See also Database.
(rel pos (+List +Bag)         # Positions
   ((+Ref +Link) NIL (+Item))    # Item
   ((+Number) 2)                 # Price
   ((+Number))                   # Quantity
   ((+String))                   # Memo text
   ((+Number) 2) )               # Total amount
Class for blob relations, a subclass of +relation. Objects of that class maintain blobs, as stubs in database objects pointing to actual files for arbitrary (often binary) data. The files themselves reside below the path specified by the *Blob variable. See also Database.
(rel jpg (+Blob))  # Picture
Class for boolean relations, a subclass of +relation. Objects of that class expect either T or NIL as value (though, as always, only non-NIL will be physically stored in objects). See also Database.
(rel ok (+Ref +Bool))  # Indexed flag
(balance 'var 'lst ['flg])
Builds a balanced binary idx tree in var, from the sorted list in lst. Normally, if arbitary - or, in the worst case, ordered - data are inserted with idx, the tree will not be balanced. But if lst is properly sorted, its contents will be inserted in an optimally balanced way. If flg is non-NIL, the index tree will be augmented instead of being overwritten. See also Comparing and sort.
# Normal idx insert
: (off I)
-> NIL
: (for X (1 4 2 5 3 6 7 9 8) (idx 'I X T))
-> NIL
: (depth I)
-> (7 . 4)

# Balanced insert
: (balance 'I (sort (1 4 2 5 3 6 7 9 8)))
-> NIL
: (depth I)
-> 4

# Augment
: (balance 'I (sort (10 40 20 50 30 60 70 90 80)) T)
-> NIL
: (idx 'I)
-> (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90)
(basename 'any) -> sym
Returns the filename part of a path name any. See also dirname and path.
: (basename "a/b/c/d")
-> "d"
(be sym . any) -> sym
Declares a Pilog fact or rule for the sym argument, by concatenating the any argument to the T property of sym. Groups of declarations are collected for a given sym. When sym changes, i.e. when it differs from the one in the previous declaration, the current group is considered to be complete and a new group is started. Later be declarations for a previously completed symbol will reset its rules, to allow repeated reloading of source files. See also *Rule, clause, asserta, assertz, retract, rules, goal and prove.
: (be likes (John Mary))
-> likes
: (be likes (John @X) (likes @X wine) (likes @X food))
-> likes

: (get 'likes T)
-> (((John Mary)) ((John @X) (likes @X wine) (likes @X food)))

: (rules 'likes)
1 (be likes (John Mary))
2 (be likes (John @X) (likes @X wine) (likes @X food))
-> likes

: (? (likes John @X))
-> NIL
(beep) -> NIL
Send the bell character to the console. See also space, prin and char.
: (beep)
-> NIL
(bench . prg) -> any
(Debug mode only) Benchmarks prg, by printing the time it took to execute, and returns the result. See also usec.
: (bench (wait 2000))
1.996 sec
-> NIL
(bin 'num ['num]) -> sym
(bin 'sym) -> num
Converts a number num to a binary string, or a binary string sym to a number. In the first case, if the second argument is given, the result is separated by spaces into groups of such many digits. See also oct, hex, hax and format.
: (bin 73)
-> "1001001"
: (bin "1001001")
-> 73
: (bin 1234567 4)
-> "1 0010 1101 0110 1000 0111"
(bind 'sym|lst . prg) -> any
Binds value(s) to symbol(s). The first argument must evaluate to a symbol, or a list of symbols or symbol-value pairs. The values of these symbols are saved (and the symbols bound to the values in the case of pairs), prg is executed, then the symbols are restored to their original values. During execution of prg, the values of the symbols can be temporarily modified. The return value is the result of prg. See also let, job and use.
: (setq X 123)                               # X is 123
-> 123
: (bind 'X (setq X "Hello") (println X))  # Set X to "Hello", print it
-> "Hello"
: (bind '((X . 3) (Y . 4)) (println X Y) (* X Y))
3 4
-> 12
: X
-> 123                                       # X is restored to 123
(bit? 'num ..) -> num | NIL
Returns the first num argument when all bits which are 1 in the first argument are also 1 in all following arguments, otherwise NIL. When one of those arguments evaluates to NIL, it is returned immediately. See also &, | and x|.
: (bit? 7 15 255)
-> 7
: (bit? 1 3)
-> 1
: (bit? 1 2)
-> NIL
(blk 'fd 'cnt 'siz ['fd2]) -> lst
(blk 'fd 0) -> (cnt . siz)
Reads raw object data from the cnt'th block in the file open on descriptor fd. Returns a cons pair of the value and property list of that database object, or NIL for an invalid block. If cnt is zero, a cons pair of the total number of blocks in the file and the file's block size scale factor is returned. Otherwise, siz should be the block size scale factor. If fd2 is given, a read (shared) lock is set on that file during the read operation. See also pool, pool2, id, ctl and qsym.
: (show '{4})
{4} (+Role)
   usr ({15} {13} {11})
   perm (Customer Item Order Report ..)
   nm "Accounting"
-> {4}
: (open "db/app/@")
-> 15
: (blk 15 4 3 15)
-> ((+Role) (({15} {13} {11}) . usr) ((Customer Item Order Report Delete) . perm) ("Accounting" . nm))
(blob 'obj 'sym) -> sym
Returns the blob file name for var in obj. See also *Blob, blob! and pack.
: (show (db 'nr '+Item 1))
{B1} (+Item)
   pr 29900
   inv 100
   sup {C1}
   nm "Main Part"
   nr 1
-> {B1}
: (blob '{B1} 'jpg)
-> "blob/app/3/-/1.jpg"
(blob! 'obj 'sym 'file)
Stores the contents of file in a blob. See also put!>.
(blob! *ID 'jpg "picture.jpg")
(bool 'any) -> flg
Returns T when the argument any is non-NIL. This function is only needed when T is strictly required for a "true" condition (Usually, any non-NIL value is considered to be "true"). See also flg?.
: (and 3 4)
-> 4
: (bool (and 3 4))
-> T
Pilog predicate that succeeds if the first argument has the same truth value as the result of applying the get algorithm to the following arguments. Typically used as filter predicate in select/3 database queries. See also bool, isa/2, same/3, range/3, head/3, fold/3, part/3 and tolr/3.
: (? @OK T           # Find orders where the 'ok' flag is set
   (db nr +Ord @Ord)
   (bool @OK @Ord ok) )
 @OK=T @Ord={B7}
-> NIL
(box 'any) -> sym
Creates and returns a new anonymous symbol. The initial value is set to the any argument. See also new and box?.
: (show (box '(A B C)))
$134425627 (A B C)
-> $134425627
(box? 'any) -> sym | NIL
Returns the argument any when it is an anonymous symbol, otherwise NIL. See also box, str? and ext?.
: (box? (new))
-> $134563468
: (box? 123)
-> NIL
: (box? 'a)
-> NIL
: (box? NIL)
-> NIL
(bt ['flg]) -> flg
(Debug mode only) Formatted stack backtrace printing (see trail) for the current point of program execution. For each bind frame, the function call (reduced with less) is pretty-printed, followed by indented variable-value-pairs. If flg is NIL, bt then waits for a key, and terminates when ESC is pressed (like more). See also up and env.
: (de f (A B)
   (let F 7
      (g (inc A) (dec B)) ) )
-> f
: (de g (C D)
   (let G 8
      (/ C D) ) )
-> g

: (f 2 1)
!? (/ C D)
? (bt)
(g (inc A) (dec B))
   C 3
   D 0
   G 8
(f 2 1)
   A 2
   B 1
   F 7
-> NIL
(buf sym 'cnt . prg) -> any
Creates a temporary local memory buffer on the stack, and binds sym to the pointer during the execution of prg. The current value of sym is saved and restored appropriately. The return value is the result of prg. See also let, native, struct and %@.
(buf Buf BUFSIZ
   (%@ "read" 'I Fd Buf BUFSIZ)
   (%@ "write" 'I Fd2 Buf BUFSIZ) )
This is functionally equivalent to (but more efficient than)
(let Buf (%@ "malloc" 'P BUFSIZ)
   (%@ "read" 'I Fd Buf BUFSIZ)
   (%@ "write" 'I Fd2 Buf BUFSIZ)
   (%@ "free" NIL Buf) )
(by 'fun1 'fun2 'lst ..) -> lst
Applies fun1 to each element of lst. When additional lst arguments are given, their elements are also passed to fun1. Each result of fun1 is CONSed with its corresponding argument from the original lst, and collected into a list which is passed to fun2. For the list returned from fun2, the CAR elements returned by fun1 are (destructively) removed from each element ("decorate-apply-undecorate" idiom).
: (let (A 1 B 2 C 3) (by val sort '(C A B)))
-> (A B C)
: (by '((N) (bit? 1 N)) group (3 11 6 2 9 5 4 10 12 7 8 1))
-> ((3 11 9 5 7 1) (6 2 4 10 12 8))
(bye ['cnt])
Executes all pending finally expressions, closes all open files, executes the VAL of the global variable *Bye (should be a prg), flushes standard output, and then exits the PicoLisp interpreter. The process return value is cnt, or 0 if the argument is missing or NIL.
: (setq *Bye '((println 'OK) (println 'bye)))
-> ((println 'OK) (println 'bye))
: (bye)
(byte 'num ['cnt]) -> cnt
Returns - if the second argument is not given - a byte value (0 .. 255) from the memory location pointed to by num. Otherwise cnt is stored in the memory location and returned. See also adr.
: (hex (byte (>> -4 (adr (1)))))
-> "12"                             # Short number '1'
: (hex (byte (>> -4 (adr (2)))))
-> "22"                             # Short number '2'

: (setq P (native "@" "malloc" 'N 8))  # Set pointer to a new buffer
-> 25084048
: (byte P (char "A"))                  # Store byte 'A'
-> 65
: (byte (inc P) (char "B"))            # Store byte 'B'
-> 66
: (byte (+ P 2) (char "C"))            # Store byte 'C'
-> 67
: (byte (+ P 3) 0)                     # Store null byte
-> 0
: (native "@" "strdup" 'S P)           # Read bytes as string
-> "ABC"
: (native "@" "free" 'N P)             # Free buffer
-> 0
(bytes 'any) -> cnt
Returns the number of bytes any would occupy in encoded binary format (as generated by pr). See also size and length.
: (bytes "abc")
-> 4
: (bytes "äbc")
-> 5
: (bytes 127)
-> 2
: (bytes 128)
-> 3
: (bytes (101 (102) 103))
-> 10
: (bytes (101 102 103 .))
-> 9